How to make a pie chart in excel 2016
How to make a pie chart in excel 2016

how to make a pie chart in excel 2016 how to make a pie chart in excel 2016 how to make a pie chart in excel 2016

Peripatetic and picaresque, I have lived in eight states specifically, besides my native California (where I was born and where I now again reside) in chronological order: New York, Montana, Alaska, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, Idaho, and Missouri. The performance includes the relating of interesting experiences and humorous anecdotes from Twain's boyhood and youth, his time as a riverboat pilot, his wild and woolly adventures in the Territory of Nevada and California, and experiences as a writer and world traveler, including recollections of meetings with many of the famous and powerful of the 19th century - royalty, business magnates, fellow authors, as well as intimate glimpses into his home life (his parents, siblings, wife, and children). My monologue (or one-man play, entitled "The Adventures of Mark Twain: As Told By Himself" and set in 1896) features Twain giving an overview of his life up till then. I am in the process of morphing from a software developer into a portrayer of Mark Twain. and then adding the following line to add the labels: Define a range that encompasses the data above (including the label "cells")ĬhartRange = _xlSheet.Range, _xlSheet.Cells] Ĭhart.SetSourceData(chartRange, misValue) Ĭhart.ChartType = // Many other types of charts can be speficied // It is not enough to set the title you also have to tell it that it has a title firstĬ = " Favorite Pies" _xlSheet.Cells = " Strawberry-Rhubarb" Įxcel.ChartObjects xlCharts = (Excel.ChartObjects)_xlSheet.ChartObjects(Type.Missing) Įxcel.ChartObject chartObj = (Excel.ChartObject)xlCharts.Add( 468, 160, 348, 268) First column (11, in this case) will be the label

How to make a pie chart in excel 2016